

Om Bliss Mandala, which is our nature...


場所:長谷公会堂(鎌倉市長谷1−12ー5 2F)地図
全3回10000円 (9000円 members)
予約: ashtangakamakura@gmail.com 









マ ントラ、キルタン、インド古典音楽を通じて、音の力に興味を持つようになる。リシケシでマントラ・チャンティング、ヴァラナシでインド古典声楽ドゥルパド とサンスクリット語を学ぶ。現在はインドと日本とオーストラリアを旅しながら、日本、オーストラリアでマントラ、ヨガの指導、コンサートやキルタンをす る。(『音のヨガ』http://yukitasogare.blogspot.com/

Nada Yoga  3 Weeks Course

Saturdays; Sep. 18th, 25th, Oct. 2nd, 1:30~3:30pm
Hase Kokaido, 1-12-5 Hase, Kamakura map
Cost: 3x sessions~ ¥10,000 (¥9,000 members)

*If you wish to attend only part of the course please request in advance
For reservations mail: ashtangakamakura@gmail.com

Nada means sound in Sanskrit. Nada Yoga is the Yoga that brings you to the experience of oneness through sound.

Sound is considered divine in Hindu philosophy, and the power of sound is utilized in every religion of the world as a powerful tool for spiritual development. Sound or words with divine vibration, mantra, will bring healing and transformation to the one who chants it.

This course consists of various practices involving sound and voice such as Mantra chanting, Kirtan, lectures and discussion, breathing techniques, meditation, and voice training.

Through the sessions, you will learn to chant the major Sanskrit mantras by heart with correct pronunciation and learn the spiritual philosophy of the mantra. You will also, by lots of singing and chanting, cultivate a devotional attitude and open your voice to it's full potential.

*Sound (NADA)
*Mantra chanting in the Sanskrit language (Healing mantra, peace mantra, mantra for goddesses etc.)
*Sanskrit pronunciation (how to use breath, lips and tongue)
*The meaning and philosophy of mantra
*Breathing technique to open the voice
*Chakra meditation with the use of sound
*Nada Yoga, voice training based on Indian Classical Singing
*Kirtan, devotional singing

Mantras for each session:

1st Session: Shanti Mantra
We will offer a group prayer for the peace of all as well as of individual.

2nd Session: Healing Mantra
We will pray for physical well-being and healing for the mind.

3rd Session: Goddess Mantras
We will awaken the beauty and wisdom inherent in each of us.

Yuki Taniguchi
Through Mantra, Kirtan and Indian Classical Music, Yuki became interested in the power of sound. She studies Mantra Yoga in Rishikesh and Dhrupad (Indian Classical Vocal) and Sanskrit in Varanasi. She regularly travels and gives workshops and concerts in India, Japan, and Australia.(『Yoga of Sound』http://yukitasogare.blogspot.com/

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